Retreat Venue
Tell us if you belong to any of the categories below, and we may be able to work out something special for you:
Solo women travelers – If you are a solo woman traveler wanting to put down roots for a few days while feeling safe and eating healthy, Savista may be just the place for you;
Bird watching groups: The estate and its environs abound with common birds of the northern Indian plains. A stay at Savista can be combined with a trip to the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary;
Craft enthusiasts: If you are a craft enthusiast – e.g., hand blockprinting – and want an extended ‘learning holiday’, Savista could be your perfect choice.
Individuals/Groups looking for a retreat venue: If you are looking for seclusion and tranquility in which to pursue your special interest – yoga, textiles, music, writing, painting, etc. – we have private office space and a great range of communal spaces and support services to help you make that happen.
Cricketing reunions: Savista has a cricketing ground with a good pitch. This makes it an ideal venue for erstwhile cricketeers from across the world to convene at Savista. The 14 guest rooms can accommodate a team for a few days of reunion, cricket, fun and tourism.