Eid Ul Fitr

On August 30th., Muslims in Jaipur celebrate with Muslims across the world, the conclusion of the thirty days of the fasting month of Ramadan.  It is an Eid (festivity), and because it marks the end of Ramadan, it is called Ramadan Eid.   Its more classical name is Eid Ul Fitr, a celebration of Fitr (the restoration of one’s original nature, i.e., pure and unsullied).

Because this restoration is arrived at through a combination of fasting and prayer, it establishes the power of the spiritual realm over the realm of the physical.  In keeping with this spirit of self-purification, it is a day to give up all enmities and hostility.

Eid is a communally celebrated festival, and the prayers on that day – offered in the open – are designed to reinforce the sense of community.